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/ Artist / CHIDA Daisuke
0 Views 46 Releases 2 Releases/Week 0 Readers 0 Reviews Jun 2, 2024
It's been one year since Rin moved to Tokyo for high school. He was told by the landlord of his apartment that he didn't have to pay rent if he takes care of the landlord's granddaughter, which he immediately accepted. However, that granddaughter, Mako, ended up being a 20 year old college student who is completely incapable of taking care of herself. Even so, it was love at first sight for Rin, and he's been taking care of her ever since.... more>>
0 Views 43 Releases 1 Release/Week 6 Readers 0 Reviews 14 hours ago
During a class reunion, the school became an enclosed dimension without warning. Yelling and screaming brought no response. 26-year old unemployed Haruka Sato has to survive by cooperating with seven of his former classmates. Soon, the extreme conditions began to eat away at their sanity, and Haruka's hidden desires began to take hold.... more>>