The End of the Century Green Apple Tutoring School
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151 Releases
7 Readers
The asshole has returned as an entire new level of asshole! In her final year of middle school, Hwang Miae is stuck with Kim Cheol, a boy she met briefly years ago- he's her classmate...and her neighbor. The other kids teasing them as a couple! In a flurry of uneasiness, Cheol starts to avoid Miae like the plague. You bastard! Do you think you're the only one affected by this?
But it doesn't end there. Destiny won't leave them alone as Kim Cheol and Hwang Miae, keep seeing each other everywhere...erupting in more trouble. As strange friends intrude on their relationship, Miae experiences puberty the right way...
Associated Names
20th Century Green Apple School
90's Cram School for Unripe Apples
A 90's Cram School for the Unripened
After School Lessons For Unripe Apples
Segimal putsagwa boseupagwon
세기말 풋사과 보습학원
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