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/ Author / KATOU Motohiro
0 Views 40 Releases 0 Releases/Week 0 Readers 0 Reviews Feb 28, 2021
A jungle and war victims: these fragments constitute Yo Mizunashi's leftover memories. A doctor's son, Yo questions whether these pieces of his "past" aren't just constructs of a delusional mind. He forces himself to remember and in seeking his personal truth, alienates himself from his peers and presents school bullies with an easy target.... more>>
0 Views 172 Releases 0 Releases/Week 0 Readers 0 Reviews Feb 10, 2021
Touma Sou graduated from MIT, but he comes back to Japan because he wants to know how it feels to be a high school student. On the other hand, Mizuhara Kana is a strong girl who loves sports. Together, they are partners in solving cases that happen around them.... more>>
0 Views 175 Releases 0 Releases/Week 0 Readers 0 Reviews Jan 29, 2021
We all know that a lot of the booty of the golden age of explorations made it into museums. The British Museum in the C.M.B. story, which had custody of the recondite scientific curiosities and artifacts collected by explorer/adventurers and stored in a Wunderkammer, decided to study the dusty arcana in the 19th century. Three investigators dubbed the "Magi" were appointed to do the research, each given a ring embossed with the letters C.M.B.... more>>