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/ Artist / HIROKANE Kenshi
0 Views 175 Releases 0 Releases/Week 2 Readers 0 Reviews Apr 26, 2023
Kachou Kousaku Shima is the first in a number of Japanese manga series about a fictional salaryman named Kousaku Shima, a Japanese white-collar worker who devotes his life to his company, Hatsushiba Electric. At the start of the long-running series, Shima Kousaku is a kachou, or section chief, of a huge conglomerate, Hatsushiba Electric. He is later promoted to buchou (division chief) and eventually promoted to manager and executive-director, at the end the president of comapny, and with each promotion the title of the series changed as well. And last it is "Shachou " Shima Kousaku, which means "President Kousaku Shima".... more>>
0 Views 20 Releases 0 Releases/Week 0 Readers 0 Reviews Mar 14, 2012
One chapter in the saga of Shima Kousaku, salaryman at Hatsushiba Electric.... more>>
0 Views 1 Release 0 Releases/Week 0 Readers 0 Reviews Mar 16, 2021
Kosaku Shima retired from his position as chairman of Tecot, one of Japan's leading electronics manufacturers, and became an advisor to the company. He wants to contribute to Japan's economic activities... more>>