Bi Zui E Long Wo Buxiang Zai Gen Ni Dai Haizile
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21 Releases
2 Readers
After being defeated and captured, the dragon slayer Leon became a captive of the Silver Dragon Queen. With the awareness of death, he used forbidden magic to curse the queen, but unexpectedly, the queen lost control. He thought that this would make the queen live with shame for the rest of her life, and it would be worthy of the dragon slayer's mission. But two years later, when Leon opened his eyes, next to him was a little dragon girl with a tail...
Associated Names
Bì Zuǐ È Lóng Wǒ Bùxiǎng Zài Gēn Nǐ Dài Háizile
Câm Miệng Đi Ác Long, Ta Không Muốn Trông Trẻ Với Ngươi Nữa!
Shut Up, Evil Dragon, I Don't Want to Raise a Child With You Anymore
Shut up, Evil Dragon, I don't want to raise a child with you anymore
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